Thursday, February 26, 2015


Hard work.  Consistent, day in day out, never quitting work; that is the secret ingredient.  I've heard more than one great photographer say that people always want to know how they can achieve, get as far as the great ones in less time.  We live in this microwave society and we think that with enough money, with a short cut, with the right connections, we can get around time.  It can't be done.

Here's a secret, time is going to go by anyway so you may as well put in the work while its going by.  I am convinced that you can do anything you want to do as long as you are willing to put in the time and the work.  I've been searching and exploring with my camera since 2012 and I have a long way to go but 3 years puts me here.  Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years are the building blocks of greatness.
Day 3

Day 371
patterns art

Monday, February 23, 2015

Oh no, not again!!!

Ok, ok, ok, I did it again.  This week's theme was high heels and I couldn't get it done.  So, 2nd week in a row and I am figuring out that if the theme isn't something that I can control, I need to either plan ahead or do something different.  Hey, its a learning process.

But, I did do some fun stuff this past weekend.  Family (like everybody) was in town for the weekend so I photographed the event and I did group photos.  Let me give you a few tips:

- Maybe if you are shooting a group of 3 or so, people can intuitively figure out some great ways to pose. But over that, most folks have no idea; people stand too far apart, they stand in front of each other, they don't know where to look and the list goes on.  Be firm and clear when posing large groups, put everyone where you want them to be and don't shoot until you are ready. 

- Shoot multiple photos (people blink, they look away, they move) to make sure you get a great one. Never put all of your eggs in one basket.

- Face them away from the sun.  It almost makes sense in terms of light but when people are looking into the sun, they can't keep their eyes open.  Also, you get hard shadows from direct sunlight.

- Get the shot!  Don't worry about people getting annoyed or not wanting to do it; most of the time that is your own discomfort.  They know you are taking pictures of them so if you are clear, firm and making it fun, they will work with you.

- Never tell people to smile, make them laugh and then shoot as the laugh fades.  Laughing shots are great and the resulting smile will be genuine.

- Be prepared.  If people are coming over, you know they will be hugging as they come in, be ready to shoot that.  If there's birthday cake, get your stuff in place before they do the cake.  Also, if you want to shoot lit candles on a cake, you need to turn your flash off.  Be hypersensitive to what is going on around you so that you can catch tender moments.

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#ASharpShooter #ASharpTip

Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Strike and a Miss!!!!

So, I am working towards being a major boudoir photographer in Ocala, last week Saturday was Valentines day and my wife coincidentally picked #17 for my P52 and that number was lingerie!!!!  How perfect was that?!?!?  Well, not as perfect as I thought, I got no work done at all!  I considered shooting the lingerie alone but that wasn't grabbing me.  In my eyes, lingerie is best shot on a person (I've done a lingerie shoot or 2 in Orlando so I know).  By the time  I came to that realization, I wasn't able to get a model booked and the week was a bust :(.

Its not the worst thing in the world but I will not do what I did with my last project.  It took me 2 years to complete my P-365 ... yeah.  So, back to work; I'll have something for ya'll this weekend. :)

Monday, February 9, 2015

P52 - Week 4 - Black and White

The week started out a little slowly because I really wanted to get it right.  Yes, you can make any photo black and white but when it is done right it makes more of an impact.  I found some interesting things and about halfway through the week, I got wind of a black and white photo event at local studio.  Enjoy!!

Wonderful model Angelica Stacey.  Its great when a model knows what they are doing, makes my job easier and makes me look like a sharp shooter :).

I really have no idea why this worked so well but I love it!!  It almost glows.  Its a little flower but its almost more than an Ocala photographer could ask for.

This, I actually saw last week off of the highway and I kept passing it and couldn't figure out where it was.  This has everything you need to make a great black and white photo; strong graphic elements (the lines), marked difference in colors (black soil, green grass, white whatever that is).  Its very cool.

I am working hard to be the headshot photographer in Orlando that is everyone's go-to guy so I make sure I always shoot a headshot.  Its easy to forget when you are doing a shoot with a model because you want to get the dress and the shoes and take in the whole look.  Never forget the power of eyes and a face, punch all of the way into that and grab some emotion and you have a strong image.  This is Emily.

I would say this is my signature, finding minor details and making it an image.  I just love lines and shapes.  As an Ocala boudoir photographer, this can come in handy.  I like the thought of creating art with people that has nothing to do with them.  The beautiful model that was wearing this dress was Lymari

 I also love clouds.  I saw this sky when I went to pay my rent.  If you don't, you should stop and look up sometimes; its amazing up there.

This woman here, Thao Tran!!!!!!!!  When they say #RiptheRunway, they are talking about her.  Really good at what she does and so gracious.  I hope I get to work with her again someday.  I'm sure every Orlando photographer wants to work with her so I'll just get in line :).

And my favorite shot of the night of, Miss Kayla Tague.  Again, these are the shots that I love doing most, simple, graphic and eye catching.

Yeah, I know I'm a little late posting, I will blame it on the event being on Saturday and after the event, I had to go audition for a few films so I couldn't get right to work when I got home.  Thank you for watching and have a good week.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Success = Doing What Others Won't

It took a little bit of effort to get photos of this Mickey Mouse power tower.  I actually ended up having to go to the next exit, turn around and came back to get a better angle.  When you drive an SUV, it hurts to drive around in circles!   But when you want something bad enough, you will pay the cost.  Initially, it felt a little silly being pulled over on the side of the road but 1.) no one cares 2.) once I started snapping away, I didn't care.  I even had a road ranger stop and ask me if I was ok, LOL.

Make it a habit to go beyond, do more and work harder than other people.  When you do this, you get results that they can't.  Its also like working a muscle.  Once you work so hard, everything less than that level of effort is easy.  My instructors at +Truthful Acting Studios tell me, when training, you must always make everything as difficult as possible.  When you do this, you can work at any level of difficulty. 

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

P52 - Week 3 - Circles

Yeah ... this was not working out for me at all!!!  Nevertheless, I did come up with a few slightly interesting things.

I'd say this is the best one.  I wish I could have been there later in the day so that I could have played with the sun a little more, but it was cool.  Can I claim to be the only headshot photographer in Orlando to have a larger than live headshot of Mickey Mouse?

This record was hanging from a string on the ceiling so I tried to catch the record while it was spinning but keep the words in focus.  I didn't have a tripod so it was a little difficult but I like the weirdness that the slight blur gives this image.  While a tripod is the best way to get a sharp photo, sometimes getting it wrong still works.

I loooove this!!!  Its this wire frame bowl that's a piece of wall art, very sexy.  Shooting this close makes right in front and right in back of the focal point blurry.  That leaves me with a slice that's in focus; very cool.  The shadows are awesome too.  Playing with shadows is a must for a boudoir photographer in Ocala (or anywhere for that matter).