Wednesday, May 28, 2014


So as a part of Detour Entertainment LLC, I had the opportunity to document the 2014 Sunscreen Film Festival.  Most people watch movies and enjoy them.  I don't know if most of us understand or appreciate the work that goes into creating our entertainment.  Even a small film can take months to complete and have a team of 20 - 50 people easily.

Secondarily, working with Detour Entertainment, I am learning that there is opportunity for me to use my craft in another arena.  I never knew that still photography was such a big part of film.  Growing is fun :).

Martin Kove (played Kreese in The Karate Kid)

John Cena & Nikki Bella

Nickolas Wolf interviewing Andy Peterson and Masood Ahmed about their film 'Plotted Plants.'

Ashlea Rose, Chris Greene and Vanessa Aranegui of Detour Entertainment

Nickolas Wolf interviewing Chris Greene about his film 'Unbridled Chaos.'